Urgent appeal for donations

nehemia team

international development organisation in Fürth


Montessori Kindergartens on Borneo open new perspectives


Preventing child prostitution and human trafficking in Thailand


Give children in Kenya, India and Thailand a new future through access to education, support and sheltered housing



The nehemia team Fürth supports local development projects worldwide through project expertise, coaching, support, financing and networking.

Sustainable Development

Our projects are holistic and relationship-oriented, so that positive development is not only achieved in the short term, but is sustainable and future-creating.

Local Partners

We work with local experts who are familiar with the conditions and characteristics of the country and who work together with the population in a participatory manner.

Transparent Projects

Transparency is important to us. We are happy to disclose activity and financial reports without being asked, in order to make work full of trust possible.

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News from the Nehemiah Projects

Language and learning support

Language and learning support

Dear friends and supporters of the Contact Café, Since Dec 2014 we as nehemia team e.V. offer once a week the contact café for people with refugee background. Here integration happens through encounters between Germans and refugees and help can be offered to cope with...

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The education offensive in Transcarpathia / Ukraine begins!

The education offensive in Transcarpathia / Ukraine begins!

After months of filling out applications, poring over figures and drafting concepts, our applications for financial support have been approved. Thank God! The "Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation" and "Aktion Mensch" have officially approved the funding. We were...

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Learning support for children with a refugee background

Learning support for children with a refugee background

Project start of the learning support was already in June. We are very happy to support these children who had hardly any help with online lessons during the lockdown. The program has been very well received and the children are enjoying learning while their mothers...

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Farewell to Raja Sekhar Gudala

Farewell to Raja Sekhar Gudala

We are sorry to inform you that our dear friend and faithful co-worker Raja Sekhar Gudala passed away on 5 May 2021 at Rajahmundry Hospital at the age of 47 due to Covid-19 infection. We are deeply saddened by the news. Raja was a faithful and dedicated worker in our...

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The officially unofficial social system: Indian castes

The officially unofficial social system: Indian castes

Officially, the Indian caste system was already abolished in 1948, but the reality is different. People are still divided into castes, i.e. social classes, which are automatically assigned certain rights, duties and privileges. In India, you can neither move up nor...

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Women Empowerment for Indian Dalits

Women Empowerment for Indian Dalits

Since the end of 2020, the nehemia team has been working in the southern state of Telangana with the organization "7 Fruits Foundation", which offers women, especially among the Dalits, new opportunities for a self-determined life in dignity and some independence....

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Cooperations and Awards

BMZ logo
Bayerischer Innovationspreis logo
ereneo logo
Engagement Global Logo
proCEO Logo
autarxia logo
ZAB Zentrum Aktiver Bürger Logo
proCEO Logo
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Logo
censa Logo
Logo - ProjektAntrieb
nehemia gateway logo
zukunft braucht werte logo
rs technology logo
Stiftung Welten Verbinden Logo
deutsch im koffer logo