Join the team

We are always looking for interns and employees for volunteer work, long-term assignments or short-term assignments. We also welcome pioneers and look forward to new projects that can be developed together.


With your donation you help us to further develop our work and to support young people in our projects. A help that really arrives – and brings joy!


We are looking for sponsors for our projects with children and young people in India, Kenya and Thailand. They enable a child to receive a solid foundation with a good education and a new perspective on life.

Become an ambassador

VIP ambassadors of the nehemia team are people who have our projects at heart and who are actively involved in their private or professional environment. This makes them multipliers of light and gives countless people a representative voice through their commitment.

If you are interested, please contact us!

Become a partner

The projects of the nehemia team can be co-designed through corporate partnerships. Within the framework of an arranged cooperation with the nehemia team, based on the “Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative“, we offer small and medium-sized enterprises in particular the opportunity to take on social and global co-responsibility through a project partnership. Thus they voluntarily integrate social-humanitarian commitment into their corporate strategy.