The NGO neemiya Ukraine is strongly committed to the development of the whole region. The main focus is on children and young people, especially orphans, children from poor backgrounds or with special needs, Roma and currently also fugitives.

The website of the Ukrainian nehemia team can be found here: 

Capital: Kiew
Size: 603,700 sq qkm
Population: ca. 46 Mio.
Location: Uzhgorod
Team Leader Tetiana Machabeli
Language: Ukrainian

Aid Projects of NGO neemiya Ukraine

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Center for Child-Centered Education, Inclusion and Social Services

Training courses for teachers, social workers, administrative staff and foster parents on the topics of ‘inclusion’ and ‘child-centred education’ by international experts. In addition, model curricula for schools and corresponding teaching and learning materials are developed and made available.

Inclusive Primay School and Montessori Kindergarten

The first Montessori kindergarten in the region not only promotes the spiritual and social development of the individual children, but also focuses on early character training and the individual support of individual interests and talents.

With the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the first inclusive primary school in the region was established, based on the methods of Montessori education. Children with special educational needs receive only limited state support in Ukraine. The team in Uzhgorod helps affected families by providing support and training and promotes the inclusion of children in everyday social life

Aid for Orphans

“Transcarpathia without orphans” is the name of the project that is working to make orphanages superfluous in the region. Instead, orphans are integrated into foster families, which are accompanied, trained and supported over the years. 

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Resilience Centre for Families Affected by War

How should we respond to Russia’s never-ending war against Ukraine? Above all, how can we help the families who are directly and indirectly affected by the consequences of the war? Where psychological stress, trauma and anxiety disorders are on the rise and conflicts within families are increasing?
Since May 2024, the nehemia team in Ukraine has been developing ideas around a resilience centre for families to meet these challenges. ‘Resilience’ means the ability to master crises and use them as an opportunity for personal development. Specifically, specialists (teachers, social workers, psychologists, etc.) are to receive further training in trauma-oriented family support and practical seminars for families, accompanied by support services such as legal and financial advice.


Many war refugees from the east of the country come to the region around Uzhgorod. Their accompaniment, support and integration have become increasingly important in recent years.

Competence Training

The nehemia center is used all year round for training courses and seminarsWe focus on offers for parents of children with an increased need for support, training for foster families and people who work or live with orphans. There are also pedagogical training courses and advanced training courses for employees and leaders of church congregations.


Every year, over 1,400 children take part in the multi-day Explorer Camps in summer, where children and young people are supported in their personal development and encouraged in a playful way.

News from Ukraine

Providing a Home for Traumatised Children

Providing a Home for Traumatised Children

Many children in Ukraine suffer from severe developmental disorders, which are often due to a lack of or inadequate care in orphanages and the consequences of the current war.  For 25 years, we have been working tirelessly with the team in Uzhgorod to offer these...

Oasis of hope

Oasis of hope

The educational center in Uzhgorod/Ukraine is a bustling place. Over the past year hundreds of people have found comfort and rest here. Children's laughter fills the air. Early May Elke Feld (project manager) traveled to Uzghorod accompanied by Claudia Köhler...



Rocket attacks and artillery fire are shaking Ukraine. What this means for the country and the people makes us stunned and calls us to act quickly. Our Ukrainian nehemia team HO Neemia in Uzghorod plays a major role in addressing the many humanitarian challenges in...

The education offensive in Transcarpathia / Ukraine begins!

The education offensive in Transcarpathia / Ukraine begins!

After months of filling out applications, poring over figures and drafting concepts, our applications for financial support have been approved. Thank God! The "Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation" and "Aktion Mensch" have officially approved the funding. We were...

Ukraine’s year in review

Ukraine’s year in review

The year 2020 was the year of "shaking" for our team in Ukraine. It was a difficult year for so many. Here in Ukraine, Covid has brought much hardship and suffering to families and communities. Many of us on staff at Nehemiah have fallen ill with Covid. One of our...