RAIN! In Germany, farmers long for it – in Kenya it has been raining excessively for three and a half months. Due to the persistent rains, nearly 200 people died in the Kisumu region alone and more than 1,400 families lost their shelter. Particularly affected...
2017 was a challenging year for the Miwani farm project. A persistent drought and the subsequent fire, which destroyed a large portion of the croplands, threw back the farm development quite a bit. Thankfully, a new pastor could be found: Maureen. Maureen Faith Samba,...
In December Hans Heidelberger met with the direction of “Nehemiah International Kenya” and Greg Livdahl & Dr. Ernie Franz from “Nehemiah International USA” in Kisumu / Kenya. It became clear that the “Miwani Project” in its...
Who would have thought that the people of rural Miwani would struggle to choose between buying a loaf of bread and indulging in a cinnamon roll? Don’t get it wrong, there’s no joy in watching the rural folks debate between the basic loaf and the tantalizing sweet...
Together with Michael Dorsch and Hans Heidelberger, a team of thirteen people travelled to Kenya for two weeks in August. On the farm of our Kenyan Nehemiah Team, the Miwani Center, they helped hands-on: one whole week of painting, fitting, sawing, welding, hammering...
Last May, Michael Dorsch and I returned from a visit to our farm project in Kenya – the Miwani Center outside Kisumu on the shores of Lake Victoria. We spent one full week together with the local leadership team and our American partners, brainstorming and...
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