As part of our “Corona Solidarity Program”, our Ukrainian nehemia team brought food and Corona education materials to children and their families in a nearby Roma village. They met the nine-year-old, deaf and dumb Eduard.
His unmarried mother has two other children by different men. Without schooling, she became pregnant with her first child as a teenager. They live in a very small house and can barely live on welfare. Eduard normally lives in a home for children with disabilities. The teachers see a lot of potential in him, but this home was also closed in March 2020 and Eduard had to return to his mother.
The joy was great when the nehemia team came to them with food and hygiene products. Eduard was immediately enthusiastic and offered to help with the distribution. He learned how to wash his hands properly and with a broad smile on his face he showed everyone how to do it. Thus our little, deaf and dumb Eduard became a great helper in this action.