Giving young people a chance
We are looking for sponsors for our projects with children and young people in India, Kenya and Thailand. They enable a child or adolescent to escape the cycle of poverty and to receive a sustainable foundation for life with a good education and a new perspective on life.
For a monthly amount of 40 Euro you finance the stay of a child or adolescent in one of our facilities (in full-time or part-time depending on the project) including school education. You will receive personal information and pictures of “your” sponsored child. A sponsorship can be terminated at any time without notice and without giving reasons.

Kenya –
Sponsor a Child for School
Extreme poverty, lack of training opportunities for young people, migration to the cities, corruption, terrorism, AIDS and malaria – the news from Africa is the same over the years.
The nehemia team supports children and adolescents in the Miwani Center and selected children and adolescents of the surrounding villages with a sponsorship program: For them this means a real perspective for the future.

Kenya –
Sponsor Vocational Traning
The newly launched sponsorship programme for trainees also offers young adults from poor backgrounds the chance of training.
Training places for thirty young people are being created at the vocational training centre in the Miwani Centre.
In this way, the vocational training of young people in the rural district of Kisumu can be sustainably promoted. Another positive aspect will be that the young people will stay in the region and use and multiply the skills they have learnt there.

The Dalits are at the lowest level in the Indian caste system. As “untouchables”, they are exposed to multiple disadvantages and usually live on the fringes of Indian society. In order to guarantee that the children’s needs are taken care of, the nehemia team has established a sponsorship program to support these children. In order to further develop and promote their personality, a kindergarten and a school have been set up in the centre.

Human trafficking and child prostitution are still a problem in Thailand. The Home of Blessing in Chiang Kham offers endangered girls a school education, practical guidance and an environment that promotes healthy physical, mental and emotional development. In this way, the young women become bearers of hope for Thailand’s future. This project is co-financed by sponsorships from the nehemia team.

In Romania, children with special needs often receive only rudimentary help and their families are often overwhelmed.
In order to be able to support the children in the day care centre “Haus des Lichts”, we are looking for sponsors.
The monthly support makes it possible to offer a therapy that is individually adapted to the child.

Syria has been a crisis-ridden country for years. The armed conflicts have severely weakened the country’s economic situation. More than 6.8 million Syrians are internally displaced and a further 6.8 million are refugees, mainly in neighbouring countries.
Since the major earthquake disaster in February 2023, there has been cooperation with the association ‘With all my Heart’. In addition to humanitarian aid, medium and long-term support is also offered locally in the form of ‘helping people to help themselves’. This includes giving young people a future by enabling them to study.