With the help of private supporters, since October 2018 the Creuset d´Eveil in Degoudou has been building a facility for the care of infants and pre-school children.
It is the first facility of this kind in Degoudou (Burkina Faso). Up to now this association founded by Fanta Yanna (Fanta now lives and works in Nuremberg/Germany with her family) has supported schoolchildren through leisure offers in the form of music, handicraft and homework supervision. In 2016 Fanta made contact with Davo, a “queen of hearts”. The latter had been trying to support young mothers with the care of their babies after the end of their parental leave. Whilst such offers are widespread in the capital city, there are hardly any offers in rural areas for supporting young mothers. Looking after small children is more than necessary, for parental leave in Burkina Faso is limited to 3 months and many young mothers have no assistance in the care of their children. This often leads to them losing their job that they have struggled to obtain in the face of competition from male colleagues.
Davo’s commitment was thus exemplary, but associated with many difficulties. The care of the children took place on a patio of about 15 square metres, lying directly on a main road. Apart from this there were neither toys nor drawing materials nor anything else for caring for the now 22 children. Creuset d´Eveil meanwhile donated minimal equipment which also includes small tables and chairs for children who can already sit. But in time it became clear that more involvement was necessary. A new building thus arose, which only has basic equipment, however, and needs to be developed further. The rooms are still in an unfinished state and are to be made more attractive with cheerful colours. The kids would be very pleased to have a proper playground. In addition to this a large, roofed area is to provide shade in the outside area for the warmer months; from March to July it can be up to 45 degrees hot. For the near future the staff dream of being able to provide one meal a day for each child (approx. 20 cent).
The nehemia team will work more closely with Fanta Yanna in the future and together with her develop this inspiring project further.
Anyone wanting to help with the expansion and development of this project can do so by means of a single donation (Keyword: Burkina Faso) or through regular support for the planned daily meals.