People with disabilities in Romania are still insufficiently supported by the state. Disabled children for whom development and education is still possible find competent support in the day care center House of Light and are supported according to their talents. In cooperation with the foundation “Pentru Familia Creştină” in Schäßburg, more than 30 children and young people are regularly cared for in the day care center.
Capital: Bukarest
Size: 238,391 sq km
Population: ca. 19,5 Mio.
Location: Schäßburg (Sighisoara)
Team Leader Martin Türk & Helmi Türk-König
Language: Romanian
Aid Projects of nehemia team in Romania
House of Light
The care centre for mentally and physically handicapped children is committed to supporting these children and to help affected families. This includes speech therapy, ergotherapy, psychotherapy and physiotherapy.
The foundation “Pentru Familia Creştină” in Romania cooperates closely with the state authorities. The state only supports these measures with a small grant. Therefore this work is not possible without private donations.
Future with Meaning – Romania
News from Romania
Working with people with special needs in times of Corona
In the day care center "House of Light" we first had to stop working with special need people on March 18, 2020 in order to comply with the state-imposed lockdown until May 15. Since then the "state of alarm" has been in effect. During that stage everyone has to wear...
nehemia in Romania
The Haus des Lichts care centre for mentally and physically handicapped children and adolescents in Schäßburg was born out of the desire to give people back their dignity and help many of those affected. People with disabilities are still kept away from public life...