An alarming situation – Official statistics released by the Federal Education Ministry of Pakistan give a desperate picture of education for all, especially for girls. The overall literacy rate is 40 per cent, while only 22 per cent of girls are literate. The situation is especially alarming in rural areas and villages due to social and cultural obstacles. „I want to go to school to learn, but I cannot because my parents do not allow me to do so,“ said 9-year old Kiran, who has visited the biggest city of Pakistan, Karachi, with her parents and seen girls like herself going to school. She lives in a village, where education for girls does not exist.

Work Instead of School

Poverty is also a big hurdle in girls‘ education. According to UNICEF, 17.6 per cent of Pakistani children are working and supporting their families. Indeed, children working as domestic help is a common phenomenon in Pakistan, and this sector employs more girls than boys. We think women‘s education is especially important. When women become literate, they can build a better nation!

The Nehemiah School Projects

Nehemiah Team Pakistan is committed to providing an education to some of the poorest and forgotten children. Our aim is to provide an educational curriculum to children of the community who have very little to survive. Providing free books, uniforms and shoes, with a nominal tuition fee and also providing completely free education (no tuition fee) to  those who cannot afford it.

We Need Your Help!

We have 202 children in Hope Grammar School, which started in 2010 and 197 in St. Phillip School, started in 2013, including 65% girls in both schools and now we have worked hard and completed all the information and survey to start our third school next Feb-March 2016, in a place where they do not have even a single school. There is great need to provide education to transform lives. The total cost for buildings, furniture, uniforms, books, renovation etc will be around 38,000 Euros!
