For almost a year now, a small team of Nehemia volunteers has been repairing bicycles to give them to refugees. Over 40 bikes have found new happy owners in this way. Edgar, Aron and Albrecht are the German mechanics who are regulary joined by Abdul from Iran and Arslan from Syria – two asylum seekers very keen on learning the German names of each an every bicycle part and tool they eagerly use. They also have become valuable team members as they help translating for their compatriots coming by and having a look. This happens quite often, as the bike repair shop is situated in a basement room in one of the big refugee centers in Nürnberg. Sometimes the team will even be served tea and some goodies by one of the women refugees, a special treat for the volunteers who are giving their evening for this work.

Apart from repairing bikes, the team members also prepare prospective bike owners for German traffic – both with theoriy and practical riding lessons. Starting early spring 2016, the requests for these bicycles will definitely increase significantly – not only because of the warmer weather. We are grateful for donated bikes of all types and sizes – as long as they are worthy of repair!
